Year: 1900
Runtime: 1 min
Description: The film depends for its effect on stop-action camera tricks. It opens with 'President Kruger' of the Transvaal Republic gloating over a bust of himself. Beside him, a large placard reads "On Majuba Day England Was Defeated" (a reference to the British defeat at the Battle of Majuba on 27th February 1881 in the First Boer War). The placard changes to a cartoon picture of Kruger being offered an Emperor's crown. Suddenly the bust changes to one of Queen Victoria, and the placard to the news "On Majuba Day Cronje Surrendered" (a reference to the surrender of the Boer general with his forces at Paardeberg Drift on 27th February 1900). As Kruger recoils from the sight, four British soldiers rush in and cover him with a Union Jack. As he struggles beneath the flag the soldiers line up as if they were a firing squad and shoot him. As the shot is fired Kruger turns into a figure of Britannia; the soldiers assemble round her in a tableau.
British fictional propaganda film on a Boer defeat in the Second Boer War, 27th February 1900.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / propaganda, British - inflammatory / 01/2(68).0
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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